FIVE Best Practice Manual

From ENFSI Monopoly Programme 2011: Project S-FIVE

This webpage contains information about the Best Practice Manual (BPM) document that was composed by the S-FIVE Project Team.



The draft BPM that was composed during the S-FIVE project went through several small updates and layout adaptation iterations after the S-FIVE project finished.
The resulting document has now been accepted by ENFSI / ENFSI QCC as a formal ENFSI BPM;
it should be available at:


Possible updates and the future of this BPM document will be discussed during the next ENFSI DIWG meeting in Bled (Sept. 2018).

The BPM Supplement (BPM-S)

The BPM document has an important sibling document that is called the "BPM Supplement".

The aim of this document is to fill the gap between the high level, often rather abstract rules of a BPM formulated according to the guidelines of the ENFSI Quality and Competence Committee (QCC), and the much more detailed considerations needed to write SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for units performing FIVE.

In other words this supplement will contain details on various technical and practical considerations that require attention when FIVE actions are condensed into real-life SOPs and actually performed; e.g., when using a region of interest or FIVE operations near the border of an image one should make sure to check if no "boundary effects" occur (the algorithm may "make up" pixel data if it is not actually available), some letters on a license plate may be more easily confused than others (e.g., is it a capital letter B or the number 8?) and thus correctness of parameter settings should be questioned if (only) that symbol B/8 would be used to determine the optimal value, de-interlacing should often be a first step in video processing (if not it may have an important impact on subsequent filters, motion estimation), etc.

The first draft BPM Supplement document (BPM-S) has been made available on Dec. 8, 2015:   DRAFT_BPM_FIVE_Supplement_20151208

(Some of the 11 discussion comments present in the current document may not always be fully displayed by default using older versions of MS Word; they should display properly using MS Word 2010.).

Due to the highly technical and detailed content of this document, as well as the clear need for more continuous future updating, the S-FIVE Project Team decided early on that this document would fall outside of the (BPM) scope of the Project.

At the DIWG2015 meeting, the DIWG agreed that the BPM-S document would be handed over to her, and also accepted the responsibility for further development and updating of the BPM-S.

The ENFSI DIWG is currently (2018) working on extending and updating this document. Please feel free to provide comments:

(How to provide) BPM(-S) feedback

The Project Team would like to invite anyone interested to do so, to review the BPM and especially also the BPM-S documents that are available above.

Please provide any feedback you may have by contacting us, or contact the ENFSI DIWG Chair or Steering Committee; see DIWG (the older S-FIVE e-mail aliases may no longer fully functional).

When submitting feedback, please use "Track changes" and/or clearly indicate both the current text and the new text that you would propose, or, the current text and the comments you may have.

The BPM-S document indicate lines numbers which may be convenient for discussing the exact position of some possible issues or comments you may have.

The outdated BPM webpage can still be reached but should no longer be used

